March 2019. GTA RP hype was in full-swing. A new and unexpected name was sweeping across the Twitch scene. He went by Lord Kebun. Better known by his iconic in-game alias, Mr. Chang. Like others, we couldn’t get enough of his late-night Grand Theft Auto role-playing streams. We found ourselves tuning in during off-hours (kappa, on-hours too…) to catch his latest adventures and hijinks.

And we weren’t alone. Tens of thousands were pouring in nightly to witness the latest Chang Gang happenings. We didn’t know it then, but we were witnessing history. Almost overnight, Lord Kebun had become Twitch legend. In fact, the fastest-growing streamer of all time. From a relative unknown outside of GTA V circles to Twitch superstar, racking in over 280K Followers. The rise was meteoric.

Lord Kebun Case Study

And then it happened. Lord Kebun came calling. He wanted to team up with Visuals by Impulse on a brand new design. A complete overhaul of his Twitch channel, featuring custom brand logo, stream design, and 3D animations.

You see, Kebun’s newfound fame had generated a massive new audience and exciting new revenue opportunities. But it had also cranked up the pressure. With new viewers came big expectations. He would need to maintain the momentum and deliver quality content – or risk losing all those new eyes. Kebun had broken into the upper Twitch tier, and that meant his brand would be competing with the established broadcaster elite. And big league fame calls for big league stream presentation. So he turned to us.

The project called for an oriental, Chinese-themed art style; dancing chopsticks, soaring dragons, towering pagodas… Incorporating some of the most iconic elements and signatures of his infamous online persona, Mr. Chang. A clean, colorful display with themes of far-eastern royalty – befitting the Lord Kebun himself. An equal mix of lighthearted fun and minimalist, professional vibes. It was one of our most ambitious design briefs yet. Luckily, the team was up to the challenge.

Two months later, the final project was delivered and revealed on-air. The Chang Gang faithful tuned in to a whole-new Kebun. Dynamic overlays, 3D stream alerts, stream stingers, emotes, sub badges, and more. A modern, professional look worthy of Kebun’s newfound success. All infused with a personality and style that only Mr. Chang can provide. Viewership climbed while chat moved at light-speed. We watched on with pride as the new subs and donations rolled in. We knew it then as we know it now; VBI had earned the approval and love of Mr. Chang. And that was the greatest prize of all.

So stick around as we take you for a (getaway) ride. Behind closed doors and into the figurative bank vault. An exclusive tour of the Lord Kebun project. From opening sketches to final delivery. All from the perspective of our ace artists, illustrators, and motion designers. So put on your disguises & grab some ammo. We’re about to stir up some trouble.


The Kebun project was officially underway. And just like any good heist, it began with the research & planning stage. If we were going to represent Mr. Chang, we needed to immerse ourselves in his culture. His quirks & character traits. His environment and associates. In other words, we needed to eat, sleep, and breathe Chang Gang.

The team poured countless hours into the process. We watched clips, replayed broadcasts, scoured YouTube vids… all looking for that Chang magic. And oh, was it magical. One moment he was robbing jewelry stores… the next, closing previously-unsolved detective cases. From eloquently debating courtroom cases to offing his Los Santos gang rivals. A true renaissance man, leaving a path of broken hearts and scorned lovers in his wake.

It was critical for us to get this early stage right. We were blown away with Lord Kebun’s passion and commitment; both to his character and to the GTA RP community. Our design needed to embody this passion, the game, and the world he lived in. By better understanding his content, we could better connect to Kebun as a client. We could stay true to his brand, while building an immersive world for his fans to discover. Along the way, we would also develop a catalog of reference images, clips, and sound bites – each of which would inspire the designs to come.

With research completed, we began planning out the design process itself. In total, Lord Kebun – known as Kevin IRL – had requested:

  • Custom Logo & Branding

  • Twitch Overlays

  • Animated Stream Alerts

  • Stream Screens

  • Animated Intro

  • Stinger Transition

  • Emotes

  • Sub Badges

  • Twitch Panels

  • Profile Art

As for art style, Kebun wanted to build and expand on his existing branding. His channel featured traditional Chinese design themes, paying homage to Mr. Chang’s heritage.

For our team, this presented a unique challenge. Over the course of five years and 8,000+ custom projects, we’ve received plenty of east-Asian, oriental commissions. The overwhelming majority of these are Japanese and anime-inspired (… lots & lots of anime OMEGALUL). But traditional Chinese? That was new. To prepare, we undertook a crash course on Chinese cultural immersion. We researched Chinese architecture. Their mythology & festivals. Script & calligraphy. Watercolors & ink wash painting… All searching for patterns, symbols, icons, and hidden gems that we could into Kebun’s design.

More broadly, we wanted the visuals to embody Kebun’s entertaining, comedic nature. His broadcasts are light-hearted and playful – the new branding would need to reflect this. We would use bright, rich color tones, avoiding the darker, more-serious shades. In particular, burgundy-red and gold, matching the Chinese flag and traditional cultural color schemes. Smooth, energetic motion design conveys anime & cartoon inspirations. Dragons glide, crowns soar, and dice roll. A refreshing, upbeat look.

Lastly, we planned to inject subtle references and tie-ins to GTA and Mr. Chang himself. The overlays are optimized perfectly for the GTA UI; minimalist and out-of-the-way, to avoid interfering with Lord Kebun’s gameplay. Some of Chang’s most iconic catchphrases and activities would inspire a host of new stream alerts, as you will soon see.

We had a gameplan. Our vision was solid. The only thing left was to build our team. Who would represent Chang in this high-stakes mission?

First up, Sam. A prodigy stream designer out of the UK, with a knack for unpacking complicated visual themes. Sam would build the foundations for Kebun’s project, establishing backgrounds, patterns, color scheme, & more. Next we tapped Trey, a veteran motion designer from the mountains of Colorado. Trey would take point on Kebun’s stream animations, from alerts to intros to transitions. Ruth, our uber-talented Argentinian illustrator, would create Kebun’s new emotes. VBI veteran Lia would tackle the sub badges.

For Kevin’s overlay system, we needed a more trained, technical eye. Enter Igor, our Russian ace-in-the-hole (and professional memester), with years of experience designing around complex UI. To design Lord Kebun’s new brand logo, we called upon VBI’s very own Creative Director, Tray. Lastly, our phenom Brazilian programmer, Bruno, would engineer Kevin’s alert system to sync with his favorite streaming platform, StreamElements.

The team was assembled, and they were ready to get their hands dirty. The future of the Chang Empire relied on them.


Every good criminal needs a calling card. A mark left behind on the scene of the crime. It was only fitting then, that our project began here. A new brand logo for Los Santos’s most wanted crime-lord.

Heading into the project, we knew Lord Kebun was looking for a clean, professional logo. Something sleek and modern, incorporating brand elements from his channel. As with most of today’ big Twitch brands, he wanted the final logo to feature both symbols and text. These two elements could be used interchangeably or combined, depending on context. We started with the logo’s icon, often called a logomark.

Our initial brainstorming session produced three results.

The first, a Chinese dragon, portrayed with red mane, curved horns, and flowing whiskers. We planned on featuring dragons elsewhere in Kevin’s design; a matching logo would provide brand continuity and traditional eastern references. Lord Kebun however, wanted to take his logo in a different direction. He preferred to emphasize his brand’s ‘royal’ themes. Less overtly-Chinese, more focused on the ‘lord’ in Lord Kebun. Less of a ‘mascot’ feel, and instead something simple and bold.

The third concept certainly felt more ‘kingly’. A crown featuring a ruby-red gem and golden metalwork. The initials ‘L’ & ‘K’ are creatively arranged in crown’s center. We couldn’t get the composition to work quite right, however. Despite various re-workings, the initials got lost in the crown’s design, blending into the surrounding gold. Kebun agreed. Again, the concept was too complex – more mascot than clean, streamlined icon.

The middle concept, however, quickly caught Kevin’s eye. It checked all the boxes. This time, the ‘L’ and ‘K’ are featured prominently, combined and interwoven into a single block. Each letter is arranged at a slight tilt to convey energy and momentum. Angles mimic and repeat throughout the design, providing synergy and a ‘contained’ feel. The bold font choice conveys proud, sporty vibes. For colors, we felt a clean-white would stand out sharply against his branding’s overwhelmingly-burgundy palette. A small crown is perched just above the letters, providing golden contrasts and kingly, regal vibes.

It was the clear winner, without any doubt. Kebun immediately requested to explore the concept further.

At this point, we began experimenting with letter positioning and arrangement. We whipped up a variety of options and font styles. Some featuring sharp angles, others more curved. Some felt more ‘filled-in’, others containing empty space in the interior. In many, the initials combined into flowing, continuous patterns. Others featured the letters more distinctly – separate designs within a larger whole. Each conveyed different energies and vibes. There was one, however, that stood out above all the rest.

It featured a pentagonal display, standing upright without tilt. This time, the ‘L’ features a notable descender, scooping below and extending the logomark below-axis. The ‘K’ features smooth, sharp curves, once again with a slightly-descending leg. In the interior, a subtle ‘L’ is formed within negative space. Hovering centered above, the golden crown provides vertical counterweight to the lower reaches. It didn’t take long for Lord Kebun to fall in love. With his nod of approval, we moved on to the logo’s text, or logotype.

Again we experimented with a variety of layouts, fonts, and styles. Some featured clean, sans-serif Montserrat typefaces. Others featured a stacked display, with the top line centered. Still others explored larger spacing between characters, for an extended, stretched look. In the end, we chose a serif font that provided a sporty, professional vibe. Both lines are left-adjusted, providing synergy & connection with the flanking logomark. Matching the nearby crown, the top line of text is featured in gold to contrast with the clean-white below.

And just like that, Lord Kebun had a new logo, plus accompanying branding. For added flexibility, we created multiple versions of the logo – some featuring monocolor displays for print, others colored for optimization over white surfaces. The full package, and the birth of a new brand. A clean, professional look for the Twitch elite’s newest face. And an infamous new tag to be displayed on the streets of Los Santos.


When approaching new projects, one of our favorite elements to tackle first is stream screens. Why? Well typically, screens feature large resolutions and unrestricted spaces. This provides an open canvas for us to experiment with layouts, patterns, animations, text styling, and more. A broad palette where we can unleash our creativity and go wild. Lord Kebun’s project was no exception.

Kebun’s deliveries would include four distinct screen layouts:

  • Starting Soon, for opening broadcasts

  • Intermission, for breaks and community chat

  • Stream Ending, for closing out activities

  • Offline Banner, for display during off-hours

Each screen would feature different layouts, content, and on-screen elements. A unique look that reflected their purpose and context. At the same time, however, all four screens needed to convey a similar ‘feel‘. A recognizable styling that marked them as part of the Lord Kebun brand. This meant utilizing similar art styles, patterns & line work, backgrounds, color schemes, font selections, and symbols. As you’ll see, each banner carries a separate atmosphere, while still feeling part of a larger whole.

We started with the background. To reinforce Kebun’s traditional Chinese branding, we decided to recreate an ancient, oriental metropolis.

The scene looks out on a mountainous cityscape, featuring dark burgundy silhouettes over a brighter red skyline. Rolling hills, towering pagodas, and temples dot the landscape. A hazy fog creeps over the capital, conveying an early-morning, sunrise atmosphere. Each screen features an altered view, as if positioned at different vantage points. In the far distance, a rising sun projects broad beams and rays of light. The scene paints a rich tapestry, inspired by eastern watercolor and classic Chinese propaganda art.

This backdrop would provide a solid foundation for our upcoming design. Deep, solid reds and dark shadows provide firm roots, from which text and patterns can later emerge into the foreground. Simple, yet still multidimensional.

Now for some style points. We began adding a thin, golden border to the screen’s frame. At each corner, the border twists and turns in complex, geometric patterns. The pattern itself was inspired by traditional Chinese motifs – ornamental flourishes often found in calligraphy, metalwork, or architecture. Golden hues add an upbeat color contrast to the darker shades featured below. In all, a subtle touch that provided a neat, ‘contained’ feel to the accompanying scene. And the mark of eastern royalty.

Last step, text overlays. While messaging and content would vary with each screen layout, we wanted to make sure the text styling remained uniform throughout. We chose a bold, thick font with oriental vibes. The type of upbeat font you would find in your favorite anime or cartoon. Split white & gold hues allow the text to emerge from the dark burgundy backgrounds. And for extra ‘pop’, we added in 3D text effects; deep drop-shadows and chrome textures. A fun, high-energy look that matched Kebun’s channel atmosphere.

Now for animation. Our motion designers stepped in and breathed new life into the static displays.

The rising sun in the far distance? Well now it circles, as sun beams rotate and shine light on the sleepy capital below. Swift golden currents run along the screen’s border, twisting & turning through elegant geometric patterns. Letters fly inwards, arranging themselves one-by-one before performing a tight spin.

Each screen also received unique, personalized animations. The Starting screen features the ringed silhouette of a Chinese dragon. As if awakening from a slumber, the beast slowly rotates – welcoming in viewers and building pre-stream anticipation.

The dragon returns in the Ending screen, now fully-illustrated and colored in a vivid green & gold. It slowly glides across the foreground, before disappearing off-screen. Shortly after, the dragon returns far in the distance – now a faint silhouette against the horizon. A fitting closure to Kebun’s broadcasts.

The Intermission screen, meanwhile, features a unique display of dancing chopsticks. Emerging off-screen, the sticks flip and spin, coming to rest in the corners of Kevin’s enlarged webcam. The animation loop repeats, keeping viewers locked-in to his out-of-game activities.

With these four screens, the Lord Kebun brand really began to take off. Along with his new logo, they would provide a sturdy foundation for each element to come.


Now for the main event. Twitch overlays. Camboxes, bars, trackers, tickers, alerts & more. Like loyal henchmen out on the street, getting their hands dirty to fill the boss’s wallet. And Mr. Chang sure does roll deep.

From Day #1, we knew Lord Kebun was looking for a minimalist overlay setup. For Kevin, gameplay has always been king. Big, bulky graphics and flashy animations just get in the way. He preferred the clean, simplified layouts common among esports streamers. Cut the non-essential, reduce size, keep motion design subtle. It was time for some creative downsizing.

So what were the essentials? For Kebun, there were four important elements to consider:

  • Branding: An obvious first step. The overlays needed to feel integrated into the Lord Kebun brand. This meant featuring Kevin’s new logo, familiar color schemes, & text styling.

  • Stream Tickers: The essential donor information: recent Subscriber, total Subs, top donos, recent donator, etc. Again, a fairly obvious inclusion.

  • Sub Train: In the Chang Gang community, donos and subs come in bursts – extended sub trains are common. A personalized Sub Train tracker was exactly what the doctor ordered.

  • Stream Alerts: The days of traditional pop-up alerts are receding. Lord Kebun wanted his overlay hub to serve as the staging ground for incoming stream alerts.

We experimented with a variety of layout structures. Two stood out. One designed horizontally (or ‘flat’), laid neatly against the bottom or top of Kebun’s screen. The second, a vertical ‘stacked’ arrangement, for use on the left or right side of his view. Both feature a condensed, streamlined display, packing information neatly into a tight space. Each element built independently, so Kevin can customize and rearrange individual components as he sees fit.

Then there’s the webcam. Long-time fans know Lord Kebun rarely uses his webcam. During gameplay sessions, Kevin switches off his cam frame overlay. During pauses in the action or trips to his GTA apartment however, the webcam reappears. We designed the webcam to be ultra-sleek and minimalist. Thin borders, subtle golden glows, small corner-flourishes, and a short call-out bar underneath. As donos & subs roll in, the cambox corners bounce playfully and emit a stream of sparks to celebrate the occasion.

But what about the stream alerts themselves? Over the coming weeks, we would build out two separate tiers of alert styles. We’ll explore the second tier later.

The first tier however, covers Kebun’s more common events; your everyday subs, resubs, bits, small donos, etc. These alerts were built into Kevin’s overlay bar. Purposely designed to feel subtle and out-of-the-way. Minimizing distractions and interruptions from Chang’s in-game action. As incoming stream info is registered, the alert pops into view above Kebun’s logo. Unique colors indicate alert type; gold for subscribers, red for donations, green for bits, and purple for gifted-subs. Moments later, the alert recede from view.

Streamlined, nimble, & sexy. A fitting choice for Los Santos’s most eligible bachelor.


Mr. Chang is a man of tact. He knows when situations require a delicate, discreet touch. Threats, bribery, & extortion can be as powerful as a loaded gun. Other situations, however, require a more… forceful approach. Sometimes you just need to send a message.

That’s what we had in mind for Lord Kebun’s full-screen stream alerts. A bold, unmistakable signal to the Chang Gang community. Kevin commissioned us to design special, 3D displays for his most generous fans. Reserved for the real ones out there dropping gifted-subs, huge donos, bit bombs… And the alerts needed to match the occasion. Grand and eye-catching, providing instant stream clout for the loyal donator.

We kicked things off with the full-screen sub alert. A special gift to Kebun’s long-time Subs (1 yr+) and upper sub tiers (tier 2, tier 3). We leaned heavy into the Lord Kebun brand, once again featuring his new logo. A 3D-modeled crown flies in from off-scene, arcing across the screen with twin tails of red and white. The crown suddenly comes to a rest, spawning the Kebun logo below. Both crown & logo perform a tight spin, as one of our favorite Chang sound-bites plays in the background. “Would you wook at that“, indeed.

We had something special in mind for Kebun’s donation alert. You see, Mr. Chang is no stranger to the underground street dice scene. Man’s made a small fortune gambling. It made sense to incorporate the activity into Kevin’s donation alerts, reserved for large, unexpected donos. We created a trio of 3D dice, painted red and gold to match brand colors. When triggered, the dice roll, as custom sound-bites featuring some of Chang’s most iconic catch-phrases play. The dice come to a rest, as Chang cries out in victory and claims his cold, hard cash. 

Next up, Bit donations. One of Mr. Chang’s most iconic sayings is ‘Big Bwain’, used when referring to his own unmatched intellect. We took this saying and recreated a large, 3D-modeled brain. The brain appears mid-screen, then suddenly swells and emits purple electricity. A few moments later, it erupts in a shower of brightly-colored bits, raining down on viewers like confetti.

To complete Lord Kebun’s full-screen alerts, we created a special animation for gifted-sub bombs. The alert opens much like the subscriber alert, only this time the logo spins and spawns a large, wrapped present. Neatly packaged in red wrapping & black bows, with Kebun’s logo stamped alongside. The box is soon surrounded by heart-shaped clouds of red and gold. Kisses blow from the hearts’ interiors, as clouds dissipate and bubble sound bites play.

Charming, smooth, and stylish. A show of force for the Chang Gang elite.


Every Chinese warrior deserves a spirit guide. For Mr. Chang, the Chinese dragon was quickly becoming a trusted sidekick. First appearing as a silhouetted shadow in Kevin’s ‘Starting Soon’ screen, then soaring across the far reaches of his Ending Screen. It wasn’t until Lord Kebun’s transition, however, that the dragon would steal the show. The time had come to unleash the beast.

Lord Kebun had seen some of our past transition work. Professional designs for personalities like CouRageJD, AvaGG, & OpTic Teep. He wanted one of his own, and he wanted to go big. A premium interlude, leading viewers between scenes and content. No immersion-breaking cuts or jarring breaks, just a smooth, guided transition.

As avid channel viewers, we would see Kebun frequently swapping between gameplay and intermission scenes. When out-of-character, Kevin likes to feature his webcam. During gameplay, the cambox is hidden. A seamless transition would both symbolize his switch between the two, and conceal his webcam activation / deactivation.

Our illustrators began sketching out concepts. A proud, fearsome design took shape before our eyes. A legendary Shenlong dragon, inspired by traditional Chinese culture and anime art styles. It seemed a fitting choice; a creature born in eastern mythology and the spirit realms.

With the model in good shape, we started adding color. Deep burgundy and red for the dragon’s scaly, topside armor. A lighter shade of gold for his underside, whiskers, and eyebrows. And a muted brown-gold for hair and horns. The mix of reds and golds provide an instant connection to the Lord Kebun brand, while brown tones add rugged, ancient tones.

Last step was to recreate the dragon in a variety of poses. This would allow our motion artists to piece together various frames, creating the perception of a moving, flowing creature.

With animation underway, the scene began to unfold. Chang’s dragon emerges from offscreen, soaring past viewers in a magnificent 3D display. It hovers mid-air, bobbing up-and-down, much like a giant sea creature. After a brief exit, the dragon suddenly reappears again, now massive in scale and just inches in front of the camera. The momentarily-obstructed view allows Kebun to activate or deactivate his overlays, without sacrificing presentation quality. EZ Clap.

And just like that, the beast was tamed. Mr. Chang’s hidden dragon. Look out Los Santos.


Mr. Chang has a flair for the dramatic. As a city dignitary and underworld kingpin, his sudden appearance can silence a crowd. And Chang sure knows how to make an entrance. We wanted to reflect this with a personalized intro animation, announcing Kebun’s arrival on-stream – and the commencement of the night’s activities. Perhaps more importantly, the clip would double as a reusable YouTube intro for the official Lord Kebun channel. We were off to the races.

With Kebun’s new logo in hand, our team had the perfect tool for the job. After running through a few concepts and storyboards, we decided to keep the intro tight & GTA-themed. A brief, but adrenaline-pumping intro that would build pre-stream hype and introduce the Lord Kebun brand.

The intro opens upon a dark, nighttime scene. Through a blurred lens, the faint lights of passing police cruisers can be seen. Suddenly, the sound of broken glass and the iconic voice, as Mr. Chang breaks into a parked car. The spark of a hotwire, a shout of victory, and Chang takes off with a new ride. Just like that, two small indicators appear in the top-right, playing off the iconic GTA ‘wanted’ stars. In place of stars however, you’ll find golden crowns – the very same crowns featured atop Kebun’s new logo design. Talk about meta.

The scene takes off, as police sirens wail and flashing red-blue cop lights intensify. An off-screen chase, as Kebun’s wanted indicators continue to climb – first three, then four. Chang lets loose a war-cry, then opens fire on his pursuers. We hear rounds of pistol-fire, then the steady beat of automatic weaponry.

When the fifth wanted indicator arrives, the crown breaks away and glides into center-screen. At this point, the familiar 3D crown animation kicks off – reminiscent of Kevin’s full-screen sub alert. The logo performs a tight spin, as the ‘LORD KEBUN’ logotype pops playfully into view. After a few seconds, the logo recedes and the scene fades to black.

In total, the clip clocks in at just over 12 seconds. A quick punch to the gut, hooking in viewers and keeping them glued to the screen. An ideal length for Kebun’s YouTube uploads, and a handy tool for his daily broadcasts. A useful burst of firepower to add to Chang’s growing arsenal.


Mr. Chang may be a hardened criminal, but he’s also kawaii AF. Behind the dreamy gaze and chiseled bod lies an anime princess just waiting to be discovered. Lord Kebun wanted to tap into this softer, more playful side of Chang via a series of Twitch emotes. Bite-sized, chibi recreations of some of Chang’s most iconic moments, activities, catchphrases, & moods. Exclusive gifts for the Chang faithful, allowing Lord Kebun to give back to his loyal Subscriber community.

The first batch featured six personalized channel emotes. Among them, long-time fans will recognize a number of hidden Easter eggs. There’s the overflowing bank vault, for Chat to spam during Chang’s infamous heist missions. A drag race emote for cruising through the street of Los Santos. The legendary dice, for gambling with the crew. Then a pair of text emotes, which when combined form Chang’s iconic war-cry.

A second batch of emotes further expanded Lord Kebun’s collection. It adds several new iconic moments and Mr. Chang himself – in a variety of poses. The first, KebunMoney. A major power-move, flexing the might of the Chang business empire. A thicc booty emote, representing both Chang’s sculpted gluts and his wandering eye. Then there’s KebunBelt, for when the getaway drive gets hairy. KebunEvil, KebunLurk, KebunFat… and the infamous KebunCop.

A final batch of emotes added greater variety. Two separate designs, KebunD & KebunCwosed highlight Chang’s burgeoning career in the Los Santos Detective Department. KebunBBwain, for those moments of unparalleled intellectual genius. KebunSBS, for… well… the opposite.

In the end, we’re left with a collection as colorful and unique as Chang himself. An arsenal of emotes, taking community engagement to the next level and growing the Lord Kebun brand. But our illustrators had one final, important mission for the Kebun community. Sub Badges.


What’s a gang without a gang sign? It was high time Mr. Chang’s foot-soldiers received a reward for their loyal service. A badge of honor, proudly displaying their street cred and clout. Unique emblems honoring each member for their months and years of hustle.

Our illustrators began sketching out a collection of sub badges, unique to Lord Kebun’s channel. We went through various rounds of concepts. Some featured unique dragon displays. Others, traditional maneki-neko cat figurines. Still others played off Lord Kebun’s logo, using progressing colors and designs. None caught Kebun’s eye. That is, until we pulled out a wild card.

The design featured a glowing fireball, gripped in the claws of an anime dragon. As sub tier rises, the design grows in heat and intensity. Flames begin to lick at the sides. Temperature flares as color progresses from fiery orange to deeper reds to intense blues. The drawings convey a ‘leveling-up’ of power, as Chang Gang members rise in rank and status. The familiar dragon imagery provides a clear link to the Lord Kebun brand. And the anime-inspired illustration style reflects his channel’s upbeat, playful tones.

A fitting emblem for the Chang Gang army. Symbolizing the raw power and unlimited resources available at Mr. Chang’s disposal.


Meanwhile, our stream designers were hard at work on Lord Kebun’s Twitch Panels. Like most successful broadcasters, Kevin was looking for a clean, streamlined profile appearance. Minimal text, with an emphasis on imagery and clickable links. Simple, user-friendly navigation was a must. Viewers needed to be able to connect, donate, or shop – without getting lost in a maze of options or buried in walls of text. Because while Mr. Chang may have a penchant for flair, even he knows that less is often moreon Twitch profiles.

We started out with a brief ‘About Me’ panel, introducing Lord Kebun to new streamers and potential partners. A thin red frame houses an interior of dark-black, allowing us clearly feature small gold & white text. Golden ornaments crown the corners of the frame, while a pair of chopsticks run diagonally on either side – adding style and a recognizable sign of Kebun’s branding. Within the panel itself, Kebun chose to feature his business contact, age, and game information. We chose a larger, taller layout for the ‘About Me’ panel to convey significance and display more information.

Next we moved on to the bulk of Kebun’s panel art. These displays feature the more traditional, rectangular shape – shorter and more direct, with minimal text. A wide octagonal shape provides a unique, ‘badge’ feel. The corners of a rectangular frame peek out just below, adding depth to the design.

Within, viewers will notice the familiar ‘rising sun’ background, a miniature display of the very same art found on Kevin’s stream screens. Bold white text is housed within a golden frame – again inspired by patterns from Kebun’s screen collection. Looking down from above, unique golden icons match each individual panel. While the majority of Kebun’s panels feature his iconic burgundy & gold color scheme, others are adjusted to fit brand colors. Light shades of blue for Twitter, deep purple for Discord, pink & purple gradients for Instagram, etc. We made sure to use bright color tones, providing a stark contrast to Twitch’s neutral background shades.

See? Who says minimalism & style are mutually-exclusive? It just takes a trained, professional eye. And Mr. Chang certainly came to the right place.


Now for the finishing touches. A trio of channel banners + profile icons for Kevin’s Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch accounts. Proudly displaying the Lord Kebun name and serving as the ultimate brand introduction. The design would need to be bold & striking, establishing Kebun’s professionalism & experience. No small task, considering Kevin’s channels reach an audience of over 450,000. As the ‘first point of contact’ with Kebun’s brand, the profile art would serve as a critical first impression for new visitors and viewers. The stakes were high, but at this point we were seasoned, veteran members of the Chang Gang. And with higher stakes comes higher rewards.

We started with the banners themselves. Three separate designs, featuring unique resolutions to match optimal settings for Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube. Each banner is divided diagonally into two sections.

The left two-thirds displays the familiar cityscape backdrop used in Lord Kebun’s screens, with silhouettes of Chinese pagodas and temples. The ornamental frame is back, providing golden contrasts to the deep burgundies behind. Centered in the display is a clean bar displaying each of Kevin’s social media handles.

The right third houses a darker, monotone shade of red, allowing the Lord Kebun logo to emerge without obstructions. We used the white-gold variation of his logo to provide a sharper contrast with the underlying red.

Kevin’s profile icons portray a simpler, clean look. Icons feature smaller resolutions and are often minimized in viewers’ displays, so they needed to be clearly-visible and direct. No distractions, minimal flourishes, with a strong emphasis on the Lord Kebun logo. The background is once again divided horizontally, separating brighter and darker shades of burgundy. A circular variation is housed in a thin, golden outline to provide clear color contrast and regal atmosphere. Subtle golden frames adorn the square version.

And just like that, Lord Kebun had new channel art. Drop a follow today and see them in action for yourself.