Case Study


Graphic design for Twitch royalty. The multi-talented, ever-charming AvaGG. See how we opened the AvaGG bar up for business...

Early 2019. Visuals by Impulse was teaming up with one of the Queens of Twitch. The legend herself, AvaGG. Our task? Take her stream presentation to the next level with elite custom design. Soon, Ava's Twitch channel would feature professional stream animation, overlay design, and alert programming - instantly marking her as Twitch royalty.

Fast forward. Just a few weeks after her new design reveal, Ava's broadcast quality has reached a new tier. Dynamic event lists, cutting-edge motion design, and a multidimensional look. The design syncs perfectly with her channel's modern, cosmopolitan vibes. Big things are on the horizon for the AvaGG brand.

Want to see how we made it happen?

AvaGG Case Study

AvaGG. Girl is one-of-a-kind. One moment she’s roleplaying as her GTA alter-ego. The next she’s belting out karaoke on-air. Then suddenly she’s tilting over a poor hand of Magic: The Gathering. She’s creative, spontaneous, quirky, and hilarious. Mixing variety gameplay, Twitch Creative, and IRL chat, Ava offers a refreshing new take on the streaming status quo. And oh, how the viewers have flocked.

With over 380K Followers and a horde of loyal Subscribers, Ava’s busy solidifying herself as one of the Twitch elite. She’s scored some elite sponsorships along the way, including NZXT, GUNNAR Optiks, and Displate. Oh, and did we mention she recently signed with Gen.G, one of the top esports organizations in the game? GG’s, pun 100% intended.

Ava first approached us a few months back. We came highly recommended; both Jack ‘CouRage’ JD and Anthony Kongphan – close friends of Ava’s – suggested she reach out to our team. She had seen what VBI had done for Jack and Anthony’s channels, and wanted in on the action.

AvaGG was looking to upgrade her stream with premium animation and alert programming. Twitch alerts, gifted-sub notifications, animated overlays, stinger transition… The full animated suite. And the design needed to fit her channel’s brand style; neon, late-night vibes with an elegant club atmosphere. Luckily for Ava, bar VBI was open for business, and the drinks were pouring strong.

When the final product was delivered, it was a thing of beauty. Our designers had mixed up something one-of-a-kind. Sweet taste, fiery burn, and a smooth finish. A top-shelf design for a top-shelf entertainer.

Ava was thrilled with her new look. Especially the stream transition. She REALLY enjoyed the stream transition…

In this case study, we’ll take you on a tour of AvaGG’s new stream digs. From the unique vantage of our motion designers and Twitch artists, you’ll witness the creative process in a whole new way. From early concepts to final, fizzy product. So pull up a chair and order something cool. First round’s on us.


As always, we kicked things off with a round-table Discord discussion between Ava and our creative specialists. At VBI, we take these early conversations very seriously. This is the client’s opportunity to voice their design goals and brand vision… and our chance to spot any potential opportunities or challenges.

For Ava, it was all about the Alerts. In particular, she was impressed by the full-screen, gifted-sub alerts we had engineered for CouRage. She wanted a pair of her own. But that wasn’t all. Ava was looking to revamp her entire stream alert system, with a focus on her webcam overlay and custom intermission screen.

In total, the AvaGG project would include:

  • Animated Webcam Alerts

  • Animated Resub Alerts

  • Intermission Screen Alerts

  • 2x Gifted-Sub Alerts

  • Stream Transition

  • Offline Screen

As you can see, Ava’s project focused mostly on animation and alert programming. Our motion designers and stream engineers would certainly have their hands full.

What about stream design? Well Ava already had that covered, for the most part. Years back, she had partnered with a talented artist to develop her brand. If you’ve visited her channel, you’re familiar with the look. The visuals are smooth, retro, and sexy. Neon lighting and dark backdrops help promote an elegant, club atmosphere. Her logo design is creative and unique, featuring playful, soft elements. Bright purples and pinks add a punk, feminine touch with subtle retrowave influences.

Problem was, over time the design had started to feel stale, outdated, and one-dimensional. It lacked the dynamic, animated look that was sweeping across Twitch like wildfire. Ava’s stream presentation had hit a plateau… It was time for a new injection of life and movement. That’s where we came in.

From Day 1, one of our main concerns was maintaining Ava’s vibrant, cosmopolitan design theme. We needed to build a consistent, cohesive look across her brand visuals. Our animations had to ‘feel’ part of the original design, intricately tied into her branding. To accomplish this, we incorporated and adapted many elements from her preexisting graphics – the neon lighting, barroom backdrops, and playful feminine vibes. Soft, smooth animations mixed with warm colors and dark backgrounds. Disco, club-lighting paired with sliding cocktails.

With priorities in order, it was time to get our hands dirty. But there was one final question: which of our designers would be tasked with the AvaGG commission? We knew the perfect pair for the job. Our ace team of Brazilian designers, Bruno and Kadu. They had just crushed OpTic Tyler Teep‘s custom design, and were on the hunt for a new challenge. Kadu’s creative, freewheeling style was well-suited for Ava’s design and animations. Meanwhile, Bruno – our master stream engineer – would lead the programming of Ava’s new alert setup.

With our dream-team assembled, it was time to start concept-sketching and laying the first lines of code. We poured ourselves a tall, cold drink and took the plunge.


Our first step was to re-engineer Ava’s stream alert setup. We knew that she was not a fan of the traditional Streamlabs OBS alert setup – the popup notifications commonly seen on Twitch. Ava wanted something more subtle and minimalist; a smooth look that wouldn’t interfere with her on-screen presentation or break immersion during gameplay.

We decided the best option was to tie Ava’s stream labels into her webcam frame. A compact, streamlined approach that would combine cam box and alerts into a single, super-overlay. This look is common among competitive esports streamers, providing a clean, simplistic feel that reduces distractions from gameplay. It fit Ava’s chill, relaxed style perfectly, and allowed us to get creative with alert displays and programming.

Ava’s webcam overlay is ultra-sleek and minimalist, featuring thin borders and a contrasting gradient of purple and pink. The iconic AVA logo is perched below the cam, flanked by her YouTube and Instagram handles. This lower section would house Ava’s new stream label system.

As notifications are picked by by Ava’s Streamlabs client, clean digital swipes race across the view. Different colors, icons, and text indicate alert type – from Twitch Prime to Bits to Donos, Subs and more. Icons dance in the lower-left corner of the display, while pulsing energy currents add horizontal movement. Bright white backgrounds drive hype and excitement, also allowing text to emerge into the foreground.

It’s a soft, energetic presentation that mixes celebration with muted tones. A top-shelf cocktail as opposed to a shot of well-whisky. And boy does it go down smooth…

But wait!

There was ONE exception to Ava’s ‘no-popups’ rule. Resubs. The backbone of the AvaGG community and her most loyal supporters. Coming back month-after-month for her on-screen antics. Ava requested a custom-made alert animation, big-and-bold to celebrate the occasion. A drink on the house to show her appreciation.

The alert opens with a tasty Blue Lagoon and Mojito cocktail. The drinks slide in opposite directions, as a digital banner stretches and bounces into view between them. The legendary ‘Renew Subscriber’ text appears, dark over a bright pink-purple gradient background. A dark contrasting banner appears above, listing out the number of resub months. Moments later, a flash of white energy surges across, revealing the viewer name in all its glory. A few seconds later, the alert flies upwards and off-screen.

A top-shelf display, worthy of the Avaholic elite. Drink it down ladies & gents, you deserve it.


Welcome to the AvaGG lounge.

Ava’s legendary ‘barroom’ intermission screen. Home to many an infamous on-stream AvaGG moment. Dark, sleek, mysterious, and sexy. It’s long been one of the most iconic visuals of her brand. And girl uses it a LOT. Tune in and you’ll likely find Ava here chatting, painting, or raging at her cats. And it was about to receive a major upgrade.

Ava wanted to add a special, branded twist to her intermission scene. Similar to her cambox, she was looking to incorporate incoming stream alerts into the scene itself. But not just any alerts. A dynamic event list that served out custom cocktails for her bar patrons. Got your attention now?

Sadly, her original intermission screen files had been lost, so our team had to recreate the scene from scratch. Much as our good friend Drake, we started from the bottom. A dark, wooden bar stretches across the screen, splintered and warmly-lit by the neon lighting above. Perched in the lower-left corner is Ava’s iconic logo, floating lightly over the bar and underneath her cambox. The webcam frame itself is the largest element on the screen – a rustic picture frame, suspended by two metal chains above. Peeking on from above, a revolving carousel displays Ava’s social media handles and GenG sponsor callouts.

To the right, a smaller cam frame displays Ava’s in-game feed; an antique television with wiry antennae. Attached above, playful text in pink and white, emitting the occasional burst of sparks and static electricity. Below, two separate ticker panels display recent subscribers and donators. Looking on from above, a trio of strung lights and neon bar-signs provide dim lighting for the scene. And in the background, a shadowy bartender spins bottles and mixes up his next concoction.

Scene reconstructed. Now for the alerts. We wanted to feature several alert variations. A unique display for each of Ava’s event list categories, from new subs to bits to raids and more. We began sketching out a variety of cocktail types; cosmo, mai tai, sangria, rum & coke… Ready for the kicker? Each drink is matched to a particular alert. The piña colada only appears for hosts, while the vodka cranberry represents new subs, etc.

Last step, animation. The drinks emerge from offscreen, sliding across the bar from an unseen attendant. As the cocktail comes to a stop, alert information appears to the left – identifying viewer and action. A few moments later, the drink slides back offscreen.

And just like that, Ava’s iconic intermission screen was ready for its grand reopening. A fresh supply of liquor, with cold drinks pouring. Now somebody order us one of those mojitos, kappa feelsbadman.


Now it was time to bring out the big guns. Ava’s duo of full-screen, gifted-sub stream alerts. For these bad boys, all pretexts of subtlety and minimalism were thrown out the window. Pop the champagne, throw those hands up, and feel the bass drop. Hype levels set to max.

Like a fine vintage wine, these animations are reserved for only the specialist of occasions. Ava wanted two separate variations created; one for 50+ gifted subs, another for the 100+ bomb. And they needed to be extravagant. Think New Years Ball Drop extravagant. An explosion of neon, colored particles, and strobe lights. A legendary celebration for a legendary occasion.

We started with the 50+ Gifted Sub alert. Once triggered, a flash of bright white covers the screen, driving up anticipation before the big reveal. The scene opens up to reveal ’50 Gifted Subscribers’, painted across the sky in smooth, curvy tube lighting. Pink and purple energy race through the tubes, illuminating the text in a retro, funky display. A giant, faded ’50’ is traced in the background to drive depth and magnitude. Neon particles shower through the sky, as broad speed lines race across the screen. At the footer, a giant bar reveals the donator’s name, proudly displayed for the world to see. Moments later, a flash of neon lighting fills the screen, before sliding offscreen and returning viewers back to the action. What a rush.

Then there’s the Queen of Ava’s stream alerts. The legendary 100+ Gifted Sub animation. This bad momma opens up again with a bright flash of white. This time however, it parts to reveal an epic EDM lightshow featuring strobe rays and laser beams. The massive ‘100 Gifted Subs’ text is displayed behind, as the bar overlay below identifies the generous patron. Liquid neon energy flows through the bold lettering, as a faint ‘100’ is traced in the sky behind. A shower of particles and racing lines cover the scene before all is extinguished a few seconds later.

Brief, intense, and adrenaline-pumping. Like a shot of your favorite liquor – leaving behind a warm sensation in your tummy. Yum.


Our motion designers had one last, crucial task. Ava’s animated stream transition. And we were about to set cuteness levels to max.

Ava had specially requested this stinger, to beef up her stream presentation and carry over energy levels between scenes. Once triggered, the transition would allow her to seamlessly flow between overlay interfaces – while avoiding jarring, immersion-breaking cuts. She could use it when switching over to gameplay, pausing for IRL chat, or just for kicks (as we saw earlier…)

It was time to show the iconic AVA logo some love. So far, it had only played a minor role in our revamped alert system. That was about to change.

The transition kicks off as Ava’s logo comes spinning and bouncing into view, settling in center-screen. A bright white eclipse emerges behind the logo, releasing hazy light distortions. Suddenly it releases a rapid ball of neon purple energy, inverting colors with the logo – which is now featured in dazzling white.

The circle expands until it covers the entire screen, as thin white lines arc diagonally in a flying-V pattern. A few moments. the purple eclipse reverses direction, collapsing inwards and sucking in surrounding light – like a brilliant black hole.

It’s all over in a flash, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. A playful, adorable animation that carries over momentum and fun into Ava’s next scene.


Grab your jackets. Pay your tabs. This bartender’s clocking out.

As a finishing touch, our stream designers broke ground on Ava’s new offline banner. A smooth, branded look that Ava could display during off-air hours.

We kept the design simple and straightforward. Dark, muted backdrops and minimal lighting provide a ‘after-hours’, nocturnal feel. Faded liquor bottles stretch across the screen, tying into the AvaGG barroom branding – and drawing similarities to her intermission screen. Strung lights and neon signs add dim lighting and personality.

Center-screen, Ava’s logo looks on sleepily from above. In the words of our friends Semisonic, ‘Closing Time’ is displayed in elegant, cursive script. Text emerges into the foreground thanks to dark backdrops and bright, neon colors. At the screen’s footer, Ava’s three main social media channels are displayed horizontally. To their right, the iconic GenG logo stands guard.

It’s not goodbye, it’s see you tomorrow night. Same time, same place.